Wednesday, 6 May 2020 / London, UK

What I've Been Wearing In Lockdown

Jeans? Nope, sorry never heard of them. I now only speak loungewear....

It's not quite as glam as a "What I Wore On Holiday" post, but hey ho, it's a global pandemic and the closest I'm getting to a holiday is the Costa del Lounge, so currently, anything goes. And the anything is what I've been wearing to stay sane throughout lockdown which hint hint, certainly does not involve jeans. Come on guys, I am not a psychopath. 

We're now seven weeks into lockdown and like everybody else, I have good days and I have bad. Some days I carpe diem the shit out of life, and some days it's a victory if I've showered and fed myself three meals a day, but one thing that remains constant in this weird world right now is my love for loungewear. If the end of lockdown were the BAFTAs, I know who I'd be dedicating my acceptance speech to. I'm pretty sure it would go something along the lines of....

"I'd like to thank my joggers, my sweaters and of course my slippers for getting me through this turbulent and emotional time. Oh, and not forgetting my dressing gown. I honestly couldn't have done it without you..."  

Loungewear has been a lifeline to us all during lockdown. When ol' Boris announced we were all to be confined to our homes for the foreseeable, I swiftly put those jeans to the back of my wardrobe faster than you could say lockdown, and set out on the hunt for some new loungewear to carry me through the next (what would be) 7+ weeks of lockdown, because if I was gonna be staying in my house for 24 hours a day, then I sure as hell wasn't gonna be doing it in jeans, Boris. No sirree. 

Now, coming from the girl who gets sent the 'It's casual, just wear jeans. ME: Say no more' meme on the daily and who lives her life by the words of Oscar Wilde: "You can never be overdressed or overeducated", I've got to admit that when the whole Athleisure trend hit the mainstream a couple of years back, I was like nope, sorry, stop the bus, I'm getting off, this trend's not for me. But fast forward a couple of years and one global pandemic later, and well here I am, a new Sabrina, who's just had to reshuffle her whole wardrobe and give her satin skirts the boot to create a dedicated loungewear section that's become her pride and joy through lockdown. My name's Sabrina Mebtouche and I'm addicted to loungewear. There, I said it. 

Now, back to my loungewear hunt. Apart from a drawer full of mismatched bobbly joggers, coffee stained sweaters that I bought in LA about six years ago and still can't bring myself to part with, my loungewear selection was pretty dire for a 7 weeks + stint in the house. So in stepped Femme Luxe to save the day. I picked out a few co-ordinated loungewear sets  and boy, has it done wonders for my routine. While it's tempting to stay in PJs all day long, I've found that getting up, applying minimal makeup, putting my everyday jewellery on and rocking a co-ord loungewear set is doing wonders for my mental health. It may not be a styled jeans and a blazer look like I'm used to wearing to work, but it's sure as hell better than pyjamas, and makes me feel as 'put together' as humanly possible in these crazy times, and anything that gives me a sense of normality right now is certainly fine by me...

The first set I picked out was this gorgeous stone cropped hoodie and joggers set for a debut down the aisles of my local Tesco, wahey. With the addition of my Air Forces and my trusty mac, we have what I like to call Supermarket Chic. 

Next up, we have what I've come to call Prison Chic. Maybe I've been watching too many prison documentaries on Netflix, but a grey sweater/jogger combo always gives me federal vibes, but I am here for it. This oversized sweatshirt and jogger set has fast become my go-to outfit for my weekend dates with my sofa and Netflix. 

And last but certainly not least, I decided to throw it back to the 90s and went for a trusty pair of oversized cuffed grey joggers. These wear-me-with-anything joggers look so good paired with a simple black body, crop top or Calvin Klein sports bra (you know the one, ladies). If you make one loungewear purchase throughout lockdown, do yourselves a favour and make it these joggers. My god, they are comfy.

Shoutout to Femme Luxe for gifting me these lockdown essentials and sparing my poor housemate from having to witness my coffee stained I Love LA sweaters for another day. I'm sure she'll be eternally grateful. You can check out their loungewear right here. Whether you're all about cycling shorts, oversized fits, 90s fits, wide leg fits or slim fits, you're in for a right treat...

As we enter week seven of lockdown, stay safe, stay sane, and most importantly, stay comfy...

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