Thursday, 5 May 2016 / London, UK

Bank Holiday in Bath

This bank holiday I was craving a change of scenery and to get out of London for the weekend. I absolutely adore my city, but working in an overcrowded, built-up (and slightly grimy) East London can take it's toll before my feet start to crave a wander down quite, cobbled streets in a cute little town. So it was time to round up the troops and to Bath we went!
It took us about 2 hours to drive to Bath from London and so we spent what was left of the morning browsing the beautiful interior shops. (When did I get so old?)  
Bath's architecture really did blow me away. I'm a sucker for a beautiful building and absolutely love photographing Cathedrals and adorable little side streets, so Bath was literally the perfect place for me! After a quick pit-stop for some lunch and a cheeky taste of some fudge, we decided to visit the Roman Baths. 

We didn't originally intend to go in, as we were just stopping in Bath for the day before continuing on to Glastonbury for the weekend, but we figured if you are in Bath, you've got to see the Roman Baths! It's only right! The queue was pretty huge and we weren't sure if it would be worth the money, but I'm so glad we persevered, as it was 100% worth the entrance fee! The queue moves quicker than you think and we were inside and tickets bought within 15 minutes. 
The entrance is £15 for adults and £13 for students (thank-you 3 year NUS card), so not massively expensive and definitely worth it. I embarrassingly didn't actually know anything about the Baths prior to visiting and not an awful lot about the Romans to be totally's been a fair few years since those Year 8 History classes! So it was actually really interesting to learn all about the history of the Baths thanks to the audioguides and to imagine what Bath town would have been like all those thousands of years ago. Kinda weird to imagine Romans in robes just strolling about and bathing in the middle of the town, but that's the beauty of England I guess, history is absolutely everywhere...
After exploring the Baths and topping up our History knowledge, it was time for an afternoon tea break in a cute little tea room. (So British it hurts)
So with full bellies, hundreds of pointless pictures of buildings and a handbag full of fudge, our beautiful day in Bath was over and it was time to continue on to Glastonbury.

A beautiful escape from the hustle and bustle of London and just a town oozing with Britishness...Bath I will be back!


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