Wednesday, 4 January 2017 / London, UK

2016 Photo Diary: A Year Of Travels

At the beginning of 2016 I set myself a little that would benefit that ever-growing travel bucket list of mine, but my bank balance...hmm not so much. I told myself I wanted to spend one weekend of each month in a different city. Whether that be within England or somewhere in Europe. It sounded bloody ambitious at the beginning and I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to manage it financially (or persuade friends to tag along with me), but it soon all came into play and I stuck to my word and spent one weekend of every month in a different city. Granted I didn't travel far and although sadly no exotic or long-haul trips were included, I ticked off some cities and countries I had been itching to tick off my bucket list for absolutely ages, so I was keen to do a little round-up of the foreign cities I had visited to see my year in travel in pictures.
So without further a do, here is my 2016 travel diary...








And there we have it!

European Cities/Countries Visited:
Madrid, Berlin, Dublin, Ibiza, Rhodes, Valencia, Rome.

Cities/Towns in England Visited:
Bath, Manchester, Nottingham, Glastonbury, Winchester, Cambridge.

Despite 2016 being an amazing year for me travel wise, I faced a lot of judgement from friends and family members for the amount of trips I went on last year and it became a running joke that I was never in the county for longer than a few weeks at a time and to be quite frank with you, it pissed me off a little. I don't drink a lot, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs, I am not wasteful with my money and I save bloody hard. I love to travel and yes I may have been scraping the pennies together towards at the end of every month, but then that's my prerogative. I paid for every single trip myself out of my wages and didn't get myself into any debt whatsoever (not that that's anyone's business to be honest if I did). How others choose to spend their money is no business of mine, just as how often I choose to travel is nobody else's business but my own. I have no mortgage to pay for and no children to provide for, so I will continue to spend my wages on visiting different cities, exploring new cultures, tasting new cuisines and making new friends across Europe for as long as I possibly can. 

So here's to 2017 and for another year of exciting travels. This year I am planning on doing a few bigger trips, rather than European city breaks, so keep your eyes peeled on this blog for news of that...hint, hint: the country begins with C and ends with an A. 

And you can read all about my time in Rome, Berlin, Ibiza, Rhodes & Valencia by following the links below...
Rome: here 
Berlin: here, here, here & here
Ibiza: here
Rhodes: here 
Valencia: here

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